El trabajo de Tim

Elizabeth Laban · B DE BLOK

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Esta es la historia de Tim Macbeth, un albino de diecisiete anos de edad, y un reciente traslado a la prestigiosa escuela Irving, donde el lema es "Entra para ser y encontrar un amigo." Un amigo es lo ultimo que Tim espera o desea, lo unico que quiere es pasar su ultimo ano desapercibido. Sin embargo, a pesar de sus esfuerzos para integrarse, se enamora de Vanessa Sheller, novia del chico mas popular de Irving. Para sorpresa de Tim, Vanessa tambien esta enamorada de el, pero ella tendria que despedirse de su estatus social si alguien se entera. Tim y Vanessa comienzan un romance clandestino, pero se cierne sobre ellos la version de la tesis del ultimo ano en Irving, asignado por el maestro que menos perdona de la escuela. / This is the story of Tim Macbeth, a seventeen-year-old albino and a recent transfer to the prestigious Irving School, where the motto is Enter here to be and find a friend. A friend is the last thing Tim expects or wants; he just hopes to get through his senior year unnoticed. Yet, despite his efforts to blend into the background, he finds himself falling for the quintessential It girl, Vanessa Sheller, girlfriend of Irving s most popular boy. To Tim's surprise, Vanessa is into him, too, but she can kiss her social status goodbye if anyone ever finds out. Tim and Vanessa begin a clandestine romance, but looming over them is the Tragedy Paper, Irving s version of a senior year thesis, assigned by the school s least forgiving teacher.

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