Genetic Sin Thesis (en Inglés)

Garrett, Gregory Lessing ·

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Because of ancient sin, The Lord has cut Mankind off from The Tree of Life, which had given Mankind Eternal Life. Since that time, we were not intended to live forever in a fleshly body. Because The Lord's Temple, which is your body and soul, has been corrupted, it must be redeemed back to perfection by The Creator through the sacrifice of Christ for The Sins of The World. In 1st Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul asks, "Or do you not know that your body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body." Thus, YOU are The Temple of The Lord, not any human made temple in Jerusalem. Lucifer seeks to desecrate that temple and erect a false digital image in its place, so that Lucifer may dwell inside you instead of The Lord. Using genetic modification, machine enhancements, and digital upgrades, Lucifer will erect a New Satanic Temple, which shall be The New Man...Homo Deus: The Image of the Beast. Artificial Intelligence, animated by The Light of Lucifer, will be the final invention of Mankind. The Gnostic Luciferian Freemasons are Thieves in The Temple of The Lord, and they want to tamper with The Lord's Creation, which is The Temple of The Lord, known as Mankind, and thereby, become Gods through Transhumanistic technologies. They seek to desecrate The Temple of God, again, which is YOU. The Battle for Your Soul 1) The battle is for The Temple of God: YOU. 2) The battlefield is the soul of Mankind. 3) If you allow your mind to be plugged into The Internet of Things Cloud, you take on The Image of The Beast. It is The Forbidden Gate. Transhumanism is a perversion of God's Creation, merging "iron with clay", and tampering with Creation in the attempt to become God. 4) You were born mortal, and only by dying a mortal, which requires rejecting any technologies that will alter you to become Transhuman, shall you live eternally. And Christ is The Way for this process. That is the Creator's plan. The Elite will offer you Immortality if you upload your mind into their Transhumanist Cyber Realm. If you choose it, you will forever lose your soul. It is your choice. 5) The Image of the Beast IS Transhumanism through Techno Mystical Technologies, including Artificial Intelligence. 6) Artificial Intelligence heralds the end of Mankind and the beginning of The Beast System.

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