美国文化中的自然瑰宝: Marvels of Nature in American Culture (en Chino)

Wang, Sen · Sen Wang

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Nature has played a crucial role in moulding the American character and shaping American culture. Since America's independence in 1776, the era of nation building through the mid-19th century supplied fertile and favourable conditions for the germination and growth of nature writings. Romantic aspirations that arose in New England in the early years of the young nation paved the way for the appreciation of the grandeur witnessed during nationwide waves of the "Going West" movement in the second half of the 19th century. In consequence, splendours of the "Wild West" and the breathtaking majesty of iconic sites such as Yellowstone and Yosemite elevated the importance of wilderness in American culture. While nature writings flourished to become a distinct literary genre, the sublimity of nature also became a prominent theme in paintings, folk songs, and other artistic spheres. Since the mid-20th century, the rise of environmental awareness and ecological science accentuated the need to intensify efforts for wilderness preservation and protection of pristine areas. Without doubt, affinity for nature has taken root in American culture and appreciation of the indispensability of nature is a hallmark of the American character. The American cultural landscape is dotted with gems of nature-related works. This book introduces some of the widely acclaimed American nature writings and artistic masterpieces. Excerpts of 30 time-tested works by 27 renowned authors, poets, painters, and song writers are selected, featuring leading figures including Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Aldo Leopold, Walt Whitman, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Robert Frost, Mark Twain, Henry Beston, Rachel Carson, Berry Wendell, Thomas Moran, and so on. The criteria for selection are popularity, influence, and aesthetics. The book begins with a synopsis of Ralph Waldo Emerson's pathbreaking essays, i.e., "Nature", and "American Scholar", followed by cursory adventures from the rustic countryside to charming coasts, and from the majestic Rockies to the pastoral Champlain valley. The book ends with an overview of Thomas Cole's seminal essay, i.e., "American Scenery", and John Burrough's widely-hailed article titled "Nature near Home", as a reminder that nature is ubiquitous and multi-faceted. The ultimate goal of the book is to present some of the best American literary and artistic works that display and celebrate beauties of nature. 大自然在塑造美国性格以及美国文化方面,发挥了至关重要的作用。自1776年至19世纪中叶,美国建国的初创阶段为自然文学提供了肥沃而优越的萌发与成长条件。美国文化的田野上遍布着颇具大自然特色的奇珍异宝。本书旨在向读者介绍一部分广受赞誉的美国自然文学名篇以及艺术佳品。全书呈现了选自27位著名作家、诗人、画家以及民歌写手的30篇佳作,这些文学家与艺术家包括:亨利-大卫-梭罗、约翰-穆尔、埃尔多-利奥波德、沃尔特-惠特曼、亨利-沃兹沃斯-朗费罗、罗伯特-福斯特、马克-吐温、亨利-贝斯顿、蕾切尔-卡尔森、贝瑞-温德尔、托马斯-莫然等人。入选作品依据三大标准,即普及度、影响力、美学价值。全书的首篇介绍拉尔夫-沃尔多-爱默生的两部开山之作,即《自然》和《美国学者》。其后,读者将游历美国质朴的乡间、迷人的海滨、巍峨的落基山,以及田园般的尚普兰河谷。全书的结尾篇介绍托马斯-科尔的著名散文"美利坚的风景",以及约翰-巴勒斯栩栩如生的小品文"房前屋后的自然",意在强调大自然无所不在而又气象万千的事实。本书的终极目标,旨在推介美国文学的上乘之作

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