Operación Bodden (en Inglés)

Barallat, Luis · Nowtilus

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In the middle of the Second World War (1941), the German army put in motion a plan to take control of the Strait of Gibraltar, and hence close off the Mediterranean. The operation, which entailed the installation of observation bases on the Andalusian coast and the north of Morocco, is carried out with the approval of Franco, who nevertheless still claimed that Spain was neutral. When the British Secret Service discovered the details of this operation, they began a race against time to thwart the plan. Their strategy: send spies to obtain proof of the operation and diplomats to try to influence the Spanish government. In the end, though, it was something completely unexpected that caused the failure of Hitler's plan and that, as a result, allowed the posterior Allied landing in the north of Africa.1941. En plena Guerra Mundial, el ejÃ(c)rcito alemàn pone en marcha un plan para controlar el paso por el estrecho de Gibraltar y cerrar asÃ- el Mediterràneo. La operaciÃ3n, que consiste en la instalaciÃ3n de bases de observaciÃ3n en la costa andaluza y el norte de Marruecos, se realiza con la aprobaciÃ3n de Franco quien, sin embargo, se sigue declarando oficialmenet neutral. Pero algo inesperado hace fracasar la acciÃ3n dirigida por Hitler, facilitando el posterior desembarco aliado en el norte de à frica.

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