Sabio de las Montañas Azules, el (Alegorias)

Ramiro Calle · Editorial Sirio

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A famous psychotherapist, unable to find a meaning to his life, decides to travel East in search of enlightenment and spiritual wisdom. There, he comes across an extraordinary being, the priest of one of the oldest tribes in the world, who teaches him ancient methods that will enable him to get in tune with the "element of non-death" and gain superior knowledge in the "place that is prior to thought". This sage makes him go through amazing practices in order to change his mental attitudes and move towards inner peace. Un célebre psicoterapeuta viaja por Oriente y entra en contacto un sacerdote de una de las más antiguas tribus del mundo, quien le enseña milenarios métodos para recuperar un conocimiento superior en “el lugar anterior al pensamiento”. Este sabio lo somete a asombrosos ejercicios para modificar sus actitudes mentales y lograr la paz interior.

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