Sayyed Ja'far Pishevari: The Azerbaijan Democratic Party; On the Basis of the Latest Documents

Moradi Maragheie, Ali · Supreme Century

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The fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party and horrible massacres that took place after the fall is counted as a first defeat and retreat of Stalin at the beginning of the Cold War and the bipolarization of the world. In the contemporary history of Iran, Sayyed Ja'far Pishevari and Democratic Party of Azerbaijan has been one of the most controversial debates, and contaminated to love and hatred and extremes judgments from the friends and enemies, has such buried his personality under a pile of insults or praise that has made it much more difficult to Know his real personality and has also made it much more difficult to evaluate the rise and fall of Azerbaijan Democratic Party, impartially. This book has been published in Iran before and has been faced with readers' welcoming, so that the fifth edition of which is now rare in the market. But the version that has been prepared for publication by the Amazon is the most complete version, and the book has been edited by the author and was set up based on the latest evidence about the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan, that exited from the Russian secret archives and added to the book.

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