Social Entrepreneurship - the Better Globe Way: A Holistic and Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship - Where you Also Profit on Your Donations (en Inglés)

Rino Solberg · Createspace

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Africa – what comes to your mind when you hear that name? Your first thoughts may be starving children, sickness, drought, poverty, misery, underdevelopment, and not to mention corruption. Well, all those exist in Africa today. These problems cannot be changed overnight, but provided the right steps are taken, can be changed in the course of time. The whole world has been trying to help Africa for more than 60 years and hundreds of billions of US dollars have been given in aid, whereas foreign aid has even worsened the plight of the poor, by sustaining the corrupt or otherwise inefficient governments that caused their misery in the first place. Africa is also about vast recourses and educated people waiting for possibilities to be explored. The world should remember Albert Einstein’s quote; “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We need to renew our thinking of the concept of aid and endorse other profitable programs designed by entrepreneurs. The new era is called “social entrepreneurship”; where investments and aid are given to make people self-sustained, while it is also profitable for the ones helping. Fortunately, many big and serious Foundations in many countries have now started to think like entrepreneurs and understood that except for emergency aid, it should be based on helping people become self-sustained and that can only be done provided they make a profit. The Better Globe Way is all about social entrepreneurship that has already been proven in Africa, in more ways than one. Better Globe has taken the Bible quote of “Luke 6:38 - Give and it will be given to you” and turned it into a practical entrepreneurial business model. Better Globe has made it affordable for people to help fighting poverty and corruption in Africa, as well as mitigate global warming, and receive profit at the same time. Better Globe’s business model is not only building a sustainable aid program; it is a win for the donors, a win for all the beneficiaries and a win for A BETTER GLOBE.

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