El Misterio Esmeralda / The Magic Misfits: The Second Story
Harris, Neil Patrick
Reseña del libro "El Misterio Esmeralda / The Magic Misfits: The Second Story"
Continúa la serie «Abracadabra de la mano del galardonado actor Neil Patrick Harris. Los Margimagos tendrán que enfrentarse a nuevos misterios y aventuras si quieren mantener a salvo la ciudad de Mineral Wells... serán capaces de conseguirlo? Una serie que esconde un montón de ases bajo la manga. La historia continúa! Leila es una artista escapista extraordinaria, lo que resulta muy útil a sus mejores amigos, que son magos. Cuando un famoso vidente llega a Mineral Wells, Leila y sus amigos tendrán que usar sus habilidades para resolver el misterio que tienen ante ellos. Ya sea persiguiendo monos locos o haciendo desaparecer fantasmas de hoteles encantados, los Margimagos intentarán mantener la ciudad a salvo, pero lograrán protegerse a ellos mismos mientras lo hacen? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION From award-winning actor Neil Patrick Harris comes the magical second book in the New York Times bestselling Magic Misfits series--with even more tricks up its sleeve. Growing up in an orphanage, Leila was bullied for being different. She turned her hardship into skill by becoming an escape artist--a valuable trait when you belong to a group of magical best friends. But when a famous psychic comes to town, Leila and her pals can't escape the big mystery heading their way. Whether chasing mad monkeys or banishing ghosts from haunted hotels, these six friends will do their best to keep their home of Mineral Wells safe--but can they protect themselves? Join the Magic Misfits as they discover adventure, friendship, and more than a few hidden secrets in this delightful new series. Whether you're a long-time expert at illusion or simply a new fan of stage magic, hold onto your top hat! (Psst. Hey, you! Yes, YOU! Congratulations on reading this far down. As a reward, I'll let you in on a little secret... This book isn't just a book. It's a treasure trove of secrets and ciphers and codes and even tricks. Keep your eyes peeled and you'll discover more than just a story--you'll learn how to make your own magic!)
Opiniones del libro
Maria Laura Lucero
Jueves 17 de Septiembre, 2020
Compra Verificada
A mi hijo le gusto. El leyo el primer libro de la saga... veremos los demas...