Reseña del libro "Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments (Paperback) (en Inglés)"
Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidentlyadminister, score, and interpret a variety of storytellingtechniques Storytelling techniques are a popular projective approach forassessing many aspects of a person's personality, such as cognitiveprocesses, emotional functioning, and self-regulation. The broadspectrum of techniques includes the Thematic Apperception Test(TAT—the most widely embraced), Roberts-2, and TEMAS(Tell-Me-A-Story). To use these tests properly, professionals needan authoritative source of advice and guidance on how toadminister, score, and interpret them. Written by Hedwig Teglasi, aleading researcher of the TAT and other storytelling techniques,Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments, SecondEdition is that source.Like all the volumes in the Essentials of PsychologicalAssessment series, this book is designed to help busy mentalhealth professionals, and those in training, quickly acquire theknowledge and skills they need to make optimal use of majorpsychological assessment instruments. Each concise chapter featuresnumerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points,and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions thathelp you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the informationcovered.Fully revised and updated to reflect the current researchsupporting storytelling techniques, Essentials of TAT and OtherStorytelling Assessments, Second Edition reflects thelatest data and theory on scoring stories and includes new materialon interpreting stories in reference to a person's abilities incognition, emotion, relationships, motivation, and self-regulation.As well, the author provides expert assessment of the methods'relative strengths and weaknesses, valuable advice on theirclinical applications, and several case studies to illustrate bestpractices for implementing the storytelling approach to personalityassessment.Other titles in the Essentials of PsychologicalAssessment series:Essentials of Assessment Report WritingEssentials of PAI AssessmentEssentials of 16PF AssessmentEssentials of Neuropsychological Assessment, Second EditionEssentials of MillonTM Inventories Assessment, Third EditionEssentials of Rorschach AssessmentEssentials of MMPI-2 AssessmentEssentials of MMPI-A Assessment