How to Draw Super Cute Things With Bobbie Goods: Learn to Draw & Color Absolutely Adorable Art! (101 Things to Draw, 3) (en Inglés)
Bobbie Goods
Walter Foster Publishing
· Tapa Blanda
How to Draw Super Cute Things With Bobbie Goods: Learn to Draw & Color Absolutely Adorable Art! (101 Things to Draw, 3) (en Inglés) - Goods, Bobbie
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Reseña del libro "How to Draw Super Cute Things With Bobbie Goods: Learn to Draw & Color Absolutely Adorable Art! (101 Things to Draw, 3) (en Inglés)"
Learn how to draw and color your own adorable world with the simple illustrations and easy-to-follow drawing steps in How to Draw Super Cute Things with Bobbie Goods. Perfect for beginners of all ages and bursting with humor, sweetness, and imagination, this book is sure to put a smile on your face! Get cozy, grab a pencil and your markers, and draw anything you can imagine in the most adorable art style. With her large social media following on Instagram (@bobbiegoodsart) and TikTok (@bobbiegoods), Bobbie Goods shows off her simple techniques for drawing her super cute world. After selling thousands of coloring books since opening her online shop in 2021, Bobbie Goods now brings you an adorable how-to-draw book! You will learn how to: Draw delightful characters, such as puppies, bears, and bunnies! Place them into scenes like a cozy coffee shop, a busy baker's kitchen, or a summertime pool party, and then color them in! Draw adorable objects to place in the scenes, such as plants, furniture, food, fashionable accessories, and decorations. Enjoy drawing and coloring the super cute world of Bobbie Goods!