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Love Match: Guía Astrológica Para El Amor Y Las Relaciones
Andromeda, Stella
Reseña del libro "Love Match: Guía Astrológica Para El Amor Y Las Relaciones"
The art of astrology can help us through uncertain times, through information and advice that allow us to increase our chances of success. After the success of the Signs of the Zodiac collection, in this book Stella Andromeda answers some of the questions we all ask ourselves about love and relationships. Whether you are about to celebrate your first anniversary with a Pisces of deep emotions or whether you're in a stable relationship with a freedom-loving Sagittarius, this book will guide you through the ups and downs of love through the power of the Zodiac. Love Match covers all 12 zodiacal signs.
Opiniones del libro
Liudmila Toro
Miércoles 07 de Diciembre, 2022
Compra Verificada
Me encanta el libro. Visualmente muy hermoso y con contenido preciso acerca de las relaciones del zodiaco.