Reseña del libro "Shadows Falling: A Paranormal Novel of Pedophilla (en Inglés)"
Does a Pedophile follow the same spirit through many lifetimes? Elena, a Jewish orphan of five, is subjected to cruel and invasive acts of pedophilia by the clinic's Dr. Levinstein. Later in her late teens, she is adopted by a Jewish baker and endures the same patterns of abuse she endured as a youth. This endures despite her entreaties to her adoptive mother who denies the obvious signs of abuse and even blames her as the seducer.One night, while alone, she invites Dieter Ernst a high school friend and member of the Nazi Youth Corps into her bedroom. Acting upon her imprinted bizarre lifestyle, she teaches him all of the intimate and invasive actions she is now addicted to and wishes to freely share with someone without coercion. Ernst naïve, yet intrigued, helps Elena fulfill her dark intimate needs. He is surprised she could derive such pleasure in this manner, but even more so by his erotic reaction to so many unnatural acts. Thus, their spirits bind in a loving manner that will soon transcend into their next lifetime. As their connection grows, Ernst begins to covet her and tries to protect her from further acts of abuse by her stepfather, Abe. In direct retaliation to Ernst's attempted intervention, Abe increases his sexual discipline and torture in a more aggressive manner.This is only halted on the night of Kristallnacht, "the night of the broken glass", on November 9th, 1938 by a Polish Jew who killed a member of the German Embassy. The German Reich retaliated by beating and murdering Jews, while shattering storefronts and burning Synagogues. Thirty thousand Jews were captured and sent to concentration camps.That night Elena is also rounded up and sent to the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp for women north of Berlin. Upon hearing of her transport there, Ernst now an SS officer, asks to be transferred there to find and isolate her from the abuse the other female Jewish inmates would endure. This ranged from enforced brothel service, wanton whippings, the long predawn hours of the Appell, medieval torture and medical experimentation. His protective dalliance doesn't go unnoticed by his superiors, and when sent on a bogus mission to Berlin, Elena is subjected to bloody whippings, rape, and near drownings. Holding to on to her final thoughts of Ernst, she reaches out to him to come find her and finally succumbs.Upon his return, he is shown the photos of her final tortures and when lashing out to his fellow SS, he is overwhelmed and thrown on to an electrified fence.Thus, both spirits are thrust into this present world. She now as Cyndi, and he as Dr. Carnigan. Woefully she is again predestined for the same pedophilic abuse, and in the same manner, but this time by her own biological father, a pastor in the church. He grooms and abuses her from the ages of five until seventeen. Reminiscent of the same ordeals she suffered in her last hours a Ravensbruck.Her torment only ends when declared psychotic, she is confined to a psychiatric institute. While there is a catatonic state, she is regularly subjected to rape, object penetration, and anal abuse by the male attendants in their nocturnal rounds.Years later, while in a forced marriage with an abusive husband, she meets a Dr. Carniagan which triggers in both a distant memory of a shared terrible time.Upon introducing himself, she says. "Yes I know who you are. You have come back to me again...and just in time."Written by a Vice Squad Officer.