Reseña del libro "The Wonderful World of Indian Cookery (en Inglés)"
An explosion of flavors in a unique range ofrecipes reflects the variety of Indian regional cookery. Taking the best foodsfrom the different cultures of her country, Rohini Singh has updated thetraditional Indian ways of cooking. Modern, labor-saving methods allow the bestof these exotic dishes to be made by all cooks. The novice to the busyexperienced cook will find much of interest.Well-known foods such as curry, tandoori, and chutney are represented. Alsoa variety of recipes that are hardly ever found outside of India. These recipesrepresent the influences of the Muslim, Persian, Zoroastrian, and Portugueselegacy left on various regions of this country. The famous fish dishes of theBengal; the sweet dishes of the Gujarat; and the hot spices and coconut flavorsof Portuguese-influenced Goan food are included. Each chapter is devoted to themain staples common to the many ethnic cuisines, showing how the cooking ofbreads, rice, meats, vegetables, and pulses differs from area to area.Each chapter contains information on various processes, methods of cooking, and general tips. This is to make the experience of Indian food exciting, imaginative, and, above all, possible for all types of cooks in all types ofkitchens. Rohini Singh aims to make food simple yet effective, not allowingtaste to be lost in making "recipes that can be cooked today, withoutrushing to the shops first."Rohini Singh has written several other cookbooks for adults and childrenaimed at making the whole range of Indian foods easy to do. While lecturing onvarious aspects of cookery, she has also seen her recipes publishedinternationally. In her native India she writes a newspaper column and isproducing a television cookery program, the first of its kind in India, on themain channel, Doordarshan.